The United States is the only industrialized country without a system of universal health insurance. For some reason, health care has always struck me as an interesting thing. President-Elect Barack Obama and former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle are working on helping this issue. They are looking at implementing the same system that Canada has, the Single Player system. Their health care is privately proveded and publicly funded. Many times companies will not offer insurance to people who already have conditions. This could be part of why 45 million Americans do not have insurance. It could also factor into why 18,000 Americans die each year because they do not have their insurance covered. Obama and Daschle have not said for sure if they are putting in this universal health care, but they both heavily favor it. Barack wants to give subsidies to families of low income and making sure companies cover everyone. As of right now, there is a bill in Congress (HR 676), The United States Health Insuance Act. It discusses a way in which to hopefully attain the universal health care and not increase in the spending of health care. This sounds like a great thing for the country. I really hope the bill goes through.
Do they make that t-shirt in fully grown girl size? It's so true - and I WANT IT.
Erica, from the title of your blog it looks like you love some good education. Here is some good and critical education.
The term "universal health care" has become meaningless in the U.S. and is causing millions ... or at least thousands ... to have erroneous expectations about what may happen in the very near future regarding health care.
The United States is the only industrialized country without non-profit financing of health care.
Obama and Daschle are *NOT* looking at implementing the same system that Canada has, the Single Player system. Absolutely, positively not. NO! You are correct that Barack wants to give subsidies. That means even MORE government involvement. He also want to force insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions. That is MORE government involvement ... PLUS more costly health insurance company premiums. We want and need LESS government with ONE public agency as part of a simple, cost-efficient, low-bureaucracy, non-profit system for financing health care. ERICA, PLEASE HELP GET IT, because Obama won't lead us, at least not until we do a lot of citizen activism effort, as he explained in 2007. Read on ...
Yes, there is a bill in Congress (HR 676), The United States Health Insurance Act.
A small action from MANY citizens is needed each month, or else the politicians are going to make it even worse than it already is for individuals, families and the country.
We need excellent education about non-profit single-payer national health insurance as soon as possible so that the end result is 1,000 to 3,000 citizens communicating monthly to each of the 435 U.S. Representatives. Why? Because that would help respond to the Obama Requirement, Promise and Specific Suggestion related to how to get HIS support on health care. I am hoping that enough people care to start spreading the word (that is, doing the education). This is one of the most critical things a person could ever do in their life ... and is something that must be done. The politicians are restless and want to look good, but it looks like they could make things quite worse if we don't act.
Very few people know that Obama indicated clearly on 4/3/2007 that he will never support single-payer national health insurance unless citizens demand it via their communications to the 435 U.S. Representatives. Why do very few people know this? Shortly after he said it and it was posted on video, his campaign staff removed the video from being accessible, perhaps because they were trying to take actions that they thought would help him the election, I don't know. What's important is that people know that we CAN have a supportive U.S. Reps AND get a supportive U.S. President. But we need to take action, as per my question at the list of links below.
Regarding health care reform perhaps you already know this critical information: the U.S. does NOT have what ALL other industrialized countries have. What is that? It's simple, cost-efficient, non-profit financing of health care. The preferred non-profit method is "single-payer."
People don't get to the doctor as much as people in other countries, so they don't get the preventive care.
What is the result? ...
1) U.S. life expectancy dropped from 27th to 30th in the world as reported in June 2008
2) U.S. ability to minimize deaths due to PREVENTABLE diseases dropped to the bottom: from 15th out of 19 countries to 19th out of 19 countries; the resulting unnecessary deaths are huge numbers of real people, people we knew and loved — as reported in January 2008.
Want references about the above information?
-- http://www.99oh9.org/pages/Current_Condition
-- http://www.99oh9.org/pages/Benefits << including the link to Costs and Savings
-- http://www.99oh9.org/pages/Real_People
Want to get what every other country has?
-- http://www.99oh9.org/pages/Join
-- http://www.99oh9.org/pages/Schedule
So what? What happens if you do not take action? Obama has already mentioned mandates to force families to buy health insurance for children, buying it from health insurance companies. He's also mentioned government subsidies. There's a chance that a new federal law will have the government force ALL persons to buy health insurance AND will increase taxes dramatically to help ensure that ALL Americans have health insurance. This is crazy, since mandated insurance has already failed in 6 states and is failing again dramatically in one of those (Massachusetts.).
Keep this in mind: a bunch of us will be working hard (and might need you to keep up your monthly communications to U.S. Reps) to make certain that the new non-profit financing is run by a public agency that does not involve the day-to-day influence of the federal government and 50 state governments. We need the politicians to establish the law that sets up the agency and then keep their doggone hands out of it.
Bob Haiducek
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate
Erica, from the title of your blog it looks like you love some good education. Here is some good and critical education.
The term "universal health care" has become meaningless in the U.S. and is causing millions ... or at least thousands ... to have erroneous expectations about what may happen in the very near future regarding health care.
The United States is the only industrialized country without non-profit financing of health care.
Obama and Daschle are *NOT* looking at implementing the same system that Canada has, the Single Player system. You are correct that Barack wants to give subsidies. That means even MORE government involvement. He also want to force insurance companies to accept people with pre-existing conditions. That is MORE government involvement ... PLUS more costly health insurance company premiums. We want and need LESS government with ONE public agency as part of a simple, cost-efficient, low-bureaucracy, non-profit system for financing health care. ERICA, PLEASE HELP GET IT, because Obama won't lead us, at least not until we do a lot of citizen activism effort, as he explained in 2007. Read on ...
Yes, there is a bill in Congress (HR 676), The United States Health Insurance Act.
A small action from MANY citizens is needed each month, or else the politicians are going to make it even worse than it already is for individuals, families and the country.
We need excellent education about non-profit single-payer national health insurance as soon as possible so that the end result is 1,000 to 3,000 citizens communicating monthly to each of the 435 U.S. Representatives. Why? Because that would help respond to the Obama Requirement, Promise and Specific Suggestion related to how to get HIS support on health care. I am hoping that enough people care to start spreading the word (that is, doing the education). This is one of the most critical things a person could ever do in their life ... and is something that must be done. The politicians are restless and want to look good, but it looks like they could make things quite worse if we don't act.
Very few people know that Obama indicated clearly on 4/3/2007 that he will never support single-payer national health insurance unless citizens demand it via their communications to the 435 U.S. Representatives. Why do very few people know this? Shortly after he said it and it was posted on video, his campaign staff removed the video from being accessible, perhaps because they were trying to take actions that they thought would help him the election, I don't know. What's important is that people know that we CAN have a supportive U.S. Reps AND get a supportive U.S. President. But we need to take action, as per my question at the list of links below.
The Obama Requirement
Erica, regarding health care reform, clearly you already know this critical information: the U.S. does NOT have what ALL other industrialized countries have, which is simple, cost-efficient, non-profit financing of health care. The preferred non-profit method is "single-payer."
People don't get to the doctor as much as people in other countries, so they don't get the preventive care.
What is the result? ...
1) U.S. life expectancy dropped from 27th to 30th in the world as reported in June 2008
2) U.S. ability to minimize deaths due to PREVENTABLE diseases dropped to the bottom: from 15th out of 19 countries to 19th out of 19 countries; the resulting unnecessary deaths are huge numbers of real people, people we knew and loved — as reported in January 2008.
Want references about the above information?
-- The current condition
-- The benefits << including the link to Costs and Savings
-- What is happening to real people
Want to get what every other country has?
-- Get reminders to act
-- Follow the schedule
So what? What happens if you do not take action? Obama has already mentioned mandates to force families to buy health insurance for children, buying it from health insurance companies. He's also mentioned government subsidies. There's a chance that a new federal law will have the government force ALL persons to buy health insurance AND will increase taxes dramatically to help ensure that ALL Americans have health insurance. This is crazy, since mandated insurance has already failed in 6 states and is failing again dramatically in one of those (Massachusetts.).
Keep this in mind: a bunch of us will be working hard (and might need you to keep up your monthly communications to U.S. Reps) to make certain that the new non-profit financing is run by a public agency that does not involve the day-to-day influence of the federal government and 50 state governments. We need the politicians to establish the law that sets up the agency and then keep their doggone hands out of it.
Bob Haiducek
Bob the Health and Health Care Advocate
Health Care for All Now
Erica ....
I submitted two posts to your blog tonight.
Please delete the first one.
Bob Haiducek
Bob the Health and Health Car Advocate
AH, GOOD ...
It looks like you are reviewing comments before they appear at your blog. Excellent. Please save the 2nd set of comments from me and delete the other three, which includes this one.
All set, Bob Haiducek
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